Bella Vista City Council Candidates Forum
Monday October 7 from 6:30pm – 8pm
Bella Vista Recreation Center (3 Riordan Dr, Bella Vista)
Come hear directly from the City Council candidates! This will be an engaging event with a surprise game for the candidates! The one hour forum will be followed by a thirty-minute mix and mingle with the candidates to ask your questions live.
Bella Vista residents are encouraged to complete this poll prior to the event: https://forms.gle/SFLWRdXCht6qRPPX9
This event is completely free and will be live streamed for those who cannot attend in person. Here’s the live stream link: https://player.castr.com/live_bddcb400916e11ebb39b11b0c6e23295
Hosted by the League of Women Voters of Benton County – a nonpartisan nonprofit group that aims to educate voters.
Bella Vista City Council Candidates:
Ward 1, Position 1:
Council member Jerry Snow
Travis Harp
Frosty Merriott
Joel Steinle
Ward 2, Position 1:
Jeremy Bridges
Shea Newport
Ward 3, Position 1:
Council member Doug Fowler
Mark Bradley
Anna Isbell
Learn more about Benton County by checking out our our FaceBook page.
League of Women Voters of Arkansas Member-at-Large
To join the League of Women Voters in Benton County, you will first become a member-at-large until we have enough members to form and be recognized as an official local league, see information below.
As a member, you will:
- have the opportunity to participate in local, state, and national League work,
- get exclusive civic information you can trust,
- know that your membership dues add to our grassroots strength and our financial resources.
Members at Large dues are $37, payable by check mailed to LWVAR, PO Box 56126, Little Rock, AR 72205-6126
Or click the button below to pay via PayPal