Bella Vista City Council Candidates Forum
Monday October 7 from 6:30pm – 8pm
Bella Vista Recreation Center (3 Riordan Dr, Bella Vista)

Come hear directly from the City Council candidates! This will be an engaging event with a surprise game for the candidates! The one hour forum will be followed by a thirty-minute mix and mingle with the candidates to ask your questions live.

Bella Vista residents are encouraged to complete this poll prior to the event:

This event is completely free and will be live streamed for those who cannot attend in person. Here’s the live stream link:

Hosted by the League of Women Voters of Benton County – a nonpartisan nonprofit group that aims to educate voters.
Bella Vista City Council Candidates:
Ward 1, Position 1:
Council member Jerry Snow
Travis Harp
Frosty Merriott
Joel Steinle

Ward 2, Position 1:
Jeremy Bridges
Shea Newport

Ward 3, Position 1:
Council member Doug Fowler
Mark Bradley
Anna Isbell


Learn more about Benton County by checking out our our FaceBook page.

Booth to join league and to register to vote

League of Women Voters of Arkansas Member-at-Large

To join the League of Women Voters in Benton County, you will first become a member-at-large until we have enough members to form and be recognized as an official local league, see information below.

As a member, you will:

  • have the opportunity to participate in local, state, and national League work,
  • get exclusive civic information you can trust,
  • know that your membership dues add to our grassroots strength and our financial resources.

Members at Large dues are $37, payable by check mailed to LWVAR, PO Box 56126, Little Rock, AR 72205-6126

Or click the button below to pay via PayPal

[wp_paypal button="buynow" name="Membership" amount="37.00" button_image="" target="_blank"]

Join us and be part of the solution.